The mission of this blog is to destigmitize the pushy, judgemental diet culture that has formed around veganism and vegetarianism. This blog is meant to both inform on problems with the current food system and act as an easy-going guide to a plant-based diet.

This blog is both a WHY and a HOW. 

The why is found within the informational posts that depict the larger issues with our factory farming based food system. While they are by no means light-hearted topics, the posts like "The Unethical Realities of Factory Farms" and "How Factory Farming is Destroying the Plant" are meant to serve as a why. 

The how, comes into play in the tips, recipes, and open nature of this blog. Posts that fall into this category include,  "Exploring Alternative Protein Sources" and "Tips to Transition to a Plant-Based Diet. These type of posts are meant to provide practical tips for reducing animal product consumption without strict dietary restrictions.

Basically, if you are looking to start cutting down on meat and animal products in your diet, don't know how destructive the factory farming industry is, or are just interested in a more environmentally friendly diet, this blog will be worth the read. 

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